Partnership Conference 2023

After four years, Czech Evangelicals and American Presbyterians meet again in Olomouc. To share our faith and practice. To meet new and old friends. To learn from each other. To explore the life of the church in the Czech Republic and the USA. To pray and sing together. To be enriched by our differences. To experience our unity in Jesus Christ.

The Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren (ECCB) invite to the Partnership Conference

Od 9. do 13. července se bude v Olomouci konat Partnership Conference 2023. Jedná se o akci pořádánou ve spolupráci s Presbyterian Church v USA, jejímž tématem je We are together on the way. Veškeré informace najdete na webu konference nebo na Facebooké události. Přihlašovat se lze do 2. dubna.

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