EVA – FESTIVAL – Letnice v Drážďanech

Dear friends of the international youth work!

I would like to remind you of the great youth festival “EVA Peace Academy” that will be held this May in Dresden. We expect a colourful youth programme with workshops, discussion panels, concerts, worship services and much more about the themes of peace and reconciliation. See www.eva-festival.de

You can now apply with your youthgroup.

The deadline is set: March 31!


Please note that there are special and great conditions for international young participants: no participation fee, reduced food+lodging costs and travel subsidy -if you apply for it. Our international preparation team would like to welcome many young people from around Europe!

Please contact Mrs. Linn Rother, the organiser, if you want to get help with your travel costs: info@eva-festival.de

Here you can register online for EVA: http://www.eva-festival.de/index.php?id=680&L=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=92&cHash=888defc09372669c8f78803b3f1de49a

We would be very happy to meet you in Dresden from May 25-28! Please do also forward this information to young people that you know.

Yours, in Christ

Caroline Richter


Referat Interkulturelle Bildung und Kulturarbeit


Landesjugendpfarramt Sachsen


01219 Dresden



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