Young European BarCamp: EU’ll love it!

Sdí­lí­me pozván­ku na onli­ne akci od našich part­ne­rů z Němec­ka. Jed­ná se o jed­no­den­ní onli­ne akci, na kte­ré vět­ši­nu pro­gra­mu tvo­ří sami účast­ní­ci. Veš­ke­ré infor­ma­ce, včet­ně kon­tak­tů na orga­ni­zá­to­ry, najde­te na webo­vých strán­kách a někte­ré v pdf pla­kát­ku.

Young Euro­pe­an Bar­Ca­mp is a onli­ne event for young Euro­pe­ans. It was inven­ted during the pan­de­mic to give Euro­pe­an you­th a chan­ce to meet across boar­ders and get an impres­si­on of what it is like to live in other coun­tries without get­ting on a pla­ne. It was a fun for­mat, so we deci­ded to do it once per year.

In 2023, the Young Euro­pe­an Bar­Ca­mp takes pla­ce on the 26th of May, from 12:00–16:00 o’clock (CET). Scho­ols, you­th groups and indi­vi­du­als across Euro­pe are invi­ted to join. Each part­ner can regis­ter up to 10 per­sons to par­ti­ci­pa­te – free of cost. The wor­king lan­gu­age of the event is Eng­lish.

Naposledy upravil/a Kryštof Sojka, 19. dubna 2023.