Upozornění: Tento příspěvek je starý a pochází ještě z původního webu mládeže. Většina obrázků a odkazů pravděpodobně už nebude fungovat.
Nabídka roční stáže v křesťanské škole v Indonésii!

Sdí­lí­me nabíd­ku roč­ní stá­že v Indonésii.

Vzhle­dem k tomu, že se jed­ná o nabíd­ku pro čer­stvé absol­ven­ty peda­go­gic­kých a podob­ných obo­rů a ang­lič­ti­na je tam nut­ná, dovo­lu­je­me si uve­řej­nit inze­rát v plném zně­ní. Pokud máte dota­zy smě­řuj­te je pro­sím pří­mo na kon­takt­ní oso­bu dole v inze­rá­tu.

Pozor: uzá­věr­ka je již brzy!



Heri­tage Chris­ti­an Scho­ol is seeking interns for its 2016/2017 aca­de­mic year.

Heri­tage an inde­pen­dent, co-edu­cati­o­nal, sin­gle cam­pus, Pen­te­costal Chris­ti­an Scho­ol in Jakar­ta, Indo­ne­sia.  Heri­tage pro­grams begin with Nur­se­ry and con­ti­nue throu­gh Gra­de 12. We are an inter­nati­o­nal scho­ol offe­ring the world-rea­dy and uni­ver­sally accep­ted Cambridge CPC, IGCSE and AS / A level qua­li­fi­cati­ons.

We are seeking sui­tably qua­li­fied new graduates/interns to join our Tea­ching team in July (or later) , 2016 for the peri­od of 1 year.  The scho­ol year at Heri­tage runs from July to June.

Our Visi­on – To instill a firm, God­ly foun­dati­on in our stu­dents to beco­me lea­ders with strong fai­th and a desi­re to trans­form the world.

Job Requi­re­ments:

We are keen to employ Interns/fresh gra­dua­tes, who are able to iden­ti­fy with the Chris­ti­an foun­dati­ons, Chris­ti­an ethos and Chris­ti­an practi­ces. The scho­ol is non deno­mi­nati­o­nal but very much Pen­te­costal and cha­risma­tic. We would expect the interns to be pen­te­costal and spe­ak in ton­gu­es. The suc­cess­ful incum­bents will be an enthusi­astic and capa­ble Chris­ti­an wil­ling to work in a team of dedi­ca­ted Chris­ti­an sta­ff.

Must Haves:

- A Bache­lor Degree in any major field

- A pas­si­on for tea­ching and minis­t­ry

- Flu­en­cy in Eng­lish


- Pre­vi­ous tea­ching expe­ri­en­ce

E- xpe­ri­en­ce in Minis­t­ry or You­th Lea­der­ship – Youth/Music or Coun­sel­ling


Heri­tage scho­ol will pro­vi­de a mon­th­ly allowan­ce (1000 USD) to cover all meals and inci­den­tal expen­ses. We will pro­vi­de accom­mo­dati­on, visas and trans­por­tati­on to and from work in Jakar­ta during the intern­ship. Air­fa­res and medi­cal insu­ran­ce are to be cove­red by the interns. This is also an oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn Indo­ne­si­an, a new lan­gu­age.


Tho­se seeking employ­ment as interns/new gra­dua­tes must:

  1. Be able to demon­stra­te a per­so­nal com­mit­ment to Christ and a desi­re to be Christ
  2. Com­mu­ni­ca­te the prin­ci­ples of Scrip­tu­re
  3. Be regu­lar in atten­dan­ce at a Church
  4. Be acti­ve­ly invol­ved in cor­po­ra­te wor­ship and con­tri­bu­te to Devo­ti­ons and Pra­yer with stu­dents and colle­a­gu­es.
  5. Be pre­pa­red to take up the challen­ge to teach from a bib­li­cal worl­dview.
  6. Be pre­pa­red to beco­me a mem­ber of a team of tea­chers wor­king toge­ther to com­mu­ni­ca­te com­mon under­stan­dings of our Chris­ti­an fai­th.

To Apply

Heri­tage Chris­ti­an Scho­ol in Jakar­ta, Indo­ne­sia ( an inde­pen­dent, co-edu­cati­o­nal, sin­gle cam­pus, Pen­te­costal Chris­ti­an Scho­ol).

Add­ress: The Bellez­za Per­ma­ta Hijau Arca­de 3rd flo­or, Arte­ri Per­ma­ta Hijau 34 Jakar­ta 12210 – Indo­ne­sia, Indo­ne­sia

Ple­a­se apply in wri­ting via email to: Mr. David Velu: davidvelu@hotmail.com

Ple­a­se call or text on +61 448 769 154 to cla­ri­fy any mat­ter.






Naposledy upravil/a Tobiáš Potoček, 22. června 2016.