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International Camp – We make the road

Inter­nati­o­nal camp, WE MAKE THE ROAD, 2.–9.8. 2015, Her­lí­ko­vi­ce, 

Being inten­ti­o­nal in the paths we follow and the directi­on we tra­vel. Thin­king about how we respond to God in all aspects of life. Vede/Leaders: Rev. Dan Har­per (Skotsko/Scotland), Jana Hof­ma­no­vá (farář­ka ČCE/pastor of the ECCB), bib­lic­ký program/ bib­li­cal pro­gram, workshopy/workshops, výle­ty po okolí/trips Cena/Price: 2100 CZK/2300 CZK, student/pracující; student/worker. Více informací/More infor­mati­on: http://icamp.evangnet.cz/  Při­hla­šo­vá­ní na akci na tom­to odkazu/Please regis­ter on this link: http://goo.gl/gJUpUo

The Inter­nati­o­nal Camp will be time to think, dis­cuss and sha­re our thou­ghts about eve­ry­day spi­ri­tu­a­li­ty and our chris­ti­an minis­t­ry. It will be oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet inte­res­ting peo­ple and find new fri­ends; spen­ding time toge­ther, sin­ging and pra­y­ing, tal­king and lis­te­ning, see­ing a new part of the world.A week of dis­cus­si­on, wor­ship, rest and play. Eve­ry­o­ne who who want to come and join the adven­tu­re is wel­co­me.

Event orga­ni­se: You­th Depart­ment and SEM ČR

International camp444


Naposledy upravil/a Tobiáš Potoček, 9. června 2015.