Upozornění: Tento příspěvek je starý a pochází ještě z původního webu mládeže. Většina obrázků a odkazů pravděpodobně už nebude fungovat.

Dear Ladies and Gentle­men,

More often we have now scho­ols and chris­ti­an groups which stay on vacati­on in the self-cate­ring-hous „Selb­stver­sor­ger­haus Lum­per“. This hou­se is very inte­res­ting for scho­ol­groups, fami­lies or fri­ends.

The hou­se „Selb­stver­sor­ger­haus- Feri­e­nhaus- Grup­pe­nhaus Lum­per“

is free for the following dates:

Free dates in sum­mer 2012:

1.6. –  11.7.2012

28.7. – 4.8.2012

28.8. – 9.9.2012

15. – 28.9.2012

30.9. – 13.10.2012


Free dates in win­ter 2013:

15. – 22.12.2012

5. – 12.1.2013

19.1. – 2.2.2013

2. – 30.3.2013

6.4. – 13.4.2013


In the hou­se the­re is spa­ce for 20 to maxi­mum 43 per­so­nes in the following rooms:

Dining-room with Sat-TV, big gastro­no­mic kit­chen, table-ten­nis room,

living-room in which we put 4 punch-beds for 8 per­so­nes if necessa­ry,

8 sle­e­ping-rooms ( 1x2,1x2‑3,1x2‑4,2x4,2x4‑6,1x6 per­so­nes),

For big groups we can but 4 bun­chbeds (8 per­so­nes) into the living-room.

6 bathro­oms, 2 WC´s,

ski-room, shoe-room with shoe-drier, ski­ro­om bal­co­ny, par­king;

We have also one sin­gle-room with an extra sofa ( 2 per­so­nes possi­ble).

This room will be cal­cu­la­ted extra.


Pri­ce per day for 30 per­so­nes in win­ter: Euro 410.-, in sum­mer: Euro 310.-

each other per­son Euro 12.-

cle­a­ning at the end Euro 170.-

Laun­d­ry Euro 8.- per per­son if deci­ded, but you also can bring it from home.

Ple­a­se no sle­e­ping-bags!

Taxe is extra to pay.


In sum­mer in the taxe inclu­ded is the sum­mer­Ca­rd with offers free use

of the ofi­cial bus, 1 to 6 cable­cars, 2 ten­nis-courts.


The situati­on of the hou­se in the village is cen­t­ral:

only 50- 200 meters from the bac­ke­ry, 2 alli­men­tati­on, 2 sport-shops,

Pub, Dis­ko, hotels and restau­rants,

in win­ter: ski­lift, tobo­gga­nrun, cross-coun­t­ry-slo­ap, busstati­on to the big

skiing-area, which is in a distan­ce of only 12 km. www.snowworld.at

in sum­mer: foot­ball-pla­ce, fun­court for all kind of ball-games,

roler­s­ka­tep­la­ce, ten­nis, mini­golf, bike-ren­tals and of cours a lot of possi­bi­li­ties

to do wal­kings.

You also can do raf­ting, cany­o­ning and parag­li­ding.


Following ser­vi­ces you can use:

bred and rolls eve­ry mor­ning into the hou­se: 05633/5203 also the wee­kend

drinks into the hou­se: 05633/5278 also befo­re arri­val.



Maby you heard alrea­dy about the new distan­ce – trail

“ Lechweg Von der Quelle bis zum Fall“.

This trail leads you from Lech am Arl­berg to the Lech­fall by Füs­sen im All­gäu

and is 125 km long.

In Hol­z­gau the trail goes across the lon­gest and highest han­ging bridge

of Aus­tria which is 200 long and 110 meters high.

This trail is sui­table for fami­lies, scho­ols, you­th­groups and eve­ry­bo­dy else.


The „Selb­stver­sor­ger­haus Lum­per“ is the per­fect star­ting point.

You can walk your dai­ly stages from here.

The local bus brings you eve­ry mor­ning to the start and on the eve­ning

back aga­in. So you do not have to car­ry your who­le lagu­age with you.


It would be a ple­a­su­re to wel­co­me you in the futu­re.



Chris­ti­ne Lum­per


A‑6654 Hol­z­gau 68a

Lech­tal Tirol

Tel. 0043/ (0)676/9414124



Naposledy upravil/a Tobiáš Potoček, 15. dubna 2012.